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Dir / dop: Ilya Makovkin

In this project, using the gluing method, I created a narrative and supported it with images using notes from diaries and sketchbooks. The goal of this project, on the one hand, is to show that each of us is a story of memories and digital prints, on the other hand, this narrative is a personal story, but as soon as it becomes manifested in the real world - the personal becomes public, the story becomes yours too.


"Nichego Lichnogo" is a compilation of reflections and sketches.
When a person takes out excess furniture from a room, he finds not only empty space, but also what was hidden behind the cabinets. This is my attempt to see what remains unmanifest in the psyche and hidden from myself, or as it is called in psychoanalysis, "to see my Shadow."


With the light hand of a friend, my art books visited the capital of great Britan, the pages rustled in the hands of the locals and absorbed joyful exclamations, and even had their fifteen minutes in the banksy hall of fame. Everything was considered.

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

People with art books at various exhibitions
PLAVLENIE (Fassbinder, 2016), NICHEGO LICHNOGO (Bad Guys, 2018), MOST (ART & BRUT, 2020)

This video has been deleted.

spreads of one of the books

I ended my research with the publication of a zine of the same name, NICHEGO LICHNOGO .


This is a small compilation of social media text notes and scans of artbook pages. At the same time, I presented the Kinchotsi project at the British Graduate School of Art and Design. Now the zine can be purchased at Soyuzpechat on the territory of the Winery.

Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1/8 bldg. 6

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